Btwn is a young company and are experiencing strong growth in a hot market for digital services. It helps organisations to change and improve using digital expertice.
As Charles Darwin once said “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”.
Moreld is the next btwn client to transform its business to become digital driven, assisted by btwn .
The scope includes digital strategy, screening of business opportunities, a data state of the art data platform and pure transformation activities. The data platform will help Moreld companies to be supported by real time data and will be a foundation to build digital products and services going forward. The contract is based on a strong business case with cost reductions from a clean-up in legacy as well as increased sales from new and better supported digital solutions.
CEO of btwn, Jørgen Arnesen, is very pleased with the contract and look forward to help digitalize the Moreld companies.
- This is an another milestone for btwn and our journey to become a preferred partner within digital transformation, automation and software development, says CEO in btwn Jørgen Arnesen.
CFO of Moreld, Hans Jakob Hegge is also looking forward to working closely with btwn. – Our ambition is to enable the energy transition and use oil services expertice to establish new business is sustainable segments. We will remain a key player in oilfield services while we help our customers decarbonise the energy industry.
btwn will be a key partner in using digital solutions to help achieve more and reach our goals. I see btwn as a natural partner to facilitate this process and our collaboration will be vital for Moreld going forward, says Hans Jakob Hegge.